These remain uncertain and challenging times for businesses, their staff and families.

Communities are welcoming the careful reopening of businesses, but recognize that we all continue to live with the impacts of COVID-19. FBA is here to help guide you through the processes in place to help us do with safety a priority.

Have any questions or concerns? Please reach out to us – we can connect you with one of our trusted advisors who are here to help you better address important issues for you, your family and your business.
View our advisor listing

Family Business Atlantic is made up of businesses just like yours, and we’re here to support and guide you as we slowly regain some normalcy within our businesses and our families. If there’s one thing we know about entrepreneurs, it’s that you’re innovative! Our members want to hear from you – share the initiatives your company is implementing during the pandemic through our social media, Facebook & LinkedIn, or email us so we can allow others to learn from your experiences. Stay connected with us and please know you are not alone.


NS COVID Guidelines

NB COVID Guidelines

PEI COVID Guidelines

NL COVID Guidelines




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Grant Thornton: Focus on what you can control

How can we stay connected during self isolation and social distancing

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